On this night of the 29th of April, the protective powers of the maia (Cytisus Striatus) are used on every entrance. We find these bright yellow flowers adorning windows and doors to keep out the maio, or donkey or carrapato: malignant forces often equated with the Devil. It's a small reminiscence of a feast where, depending on location, boys or girls were adorned with these flowers and whorshiped all day with song and feasting; or of the garland of flowers placed at the door of the girlfriend one wished to be married to, or of the procession of animals and boats to recieve blessings of abundance and comemorate the vibrant life all around.
The cold and wet winter is over, the Earth is green and the breeze carries the scent of jasmine and wisteria. Tonight we dance because we are alive and our blood burns and our feet are fast. The house is prepared with all the flowers but the Devil, however, is welcome.